
small raindrops中文什么意思

发音:   用"small raindrops"造句


  1. Rainbow appears when the observer has his back to the sun and small raindrops in front of him . when beams of sunlight enter the raindrops they are split into bundles of coloured rays after refractions and reflections
  2. Rainbow appears when the observer has his back to the sun and small raindrops in front of him . when beams of sunlight enter the raindrops they are split into bundles of coloured rays after refractions and reflections
  3. Well , on the contrary cosumer credit has not been developed so promptly , " loud thunder , but small raindrops " " good film , but small audience " is real image of consumer credit in our coutry . there is a big gap between what we expect and what we do
    但与此形成鲜明对照的却是商业银行的消费信贷业务并没有迅速展开, “雷声大、雨点小” “叫好不叫座”正是商业银行消费信贷的真实写照,这与社会各方面的预期存在相当大的差距。


        small:    adj. 1.小 (opp. large) 少 (opp ...
        raindrop:    雨滴。
        raindrops:    雨点的效果
        dense raindrops:    雨脚
        passionate raindrops:    热情的雨滴
        raindrops and tears:    雨滴还是眼泪
        sparking raindrops:    涟漪
        sparkling raindrops:    涟漪
        through the raindrops:    穿过雨幕; 雨中漫步
        i hear the raindrops:    也听见雨水从天而降
        raindrops bang like rocks:    雨滴滴答答的下着
        raindrops falling on banana leaves:    雨打芭蕉
        raindrops keefalling on head:    雨点不断落在我头上
        raindrops keefalling on my head:    虎豹小霸王; 雨滴不断落在我头上; 雨点不断打在我头上; 雨点不断落在我头上; 雨点不停落在我头上; 雨点洒于我头上
        raindrops keefalling on my heas:    雨点不断打在我头上
        raindrops kefalling on my head:    用唱的
        raindrops on your face:    小雨落在你的脸上; 小雨落在你脸上; 雨打在你脸上; 雨点落在你面上; 雨洒在脸畔
        raindrops pattering and wind rusting:    淅沥以潇飒
        raindrops keep falling on my head:    雨点打在我的脸上
        in the small:    局部的
        s small:    小码
        small:    adj. 1.小 (opp. large) 少 (opp. large, numerous) 细小的;窄小的;琐细的;些微的;少额的(收入等);小规模的。 2.吝啬的,小器的,小心眼儿的。 3.难为情的,觉得羞耻的;低级的,贫穷的;卑劣的。 4.(雨)细微的;(声音)微弱的;(酒等)清淡的。 ★ little 含有可怜可爱的意思, small 只照实叙述事实。 a small (bottle of) soda (water) 一小瓶苏打水。 a small audience 人数不多的听众。 small years 小时候,幼年。 small arms 轻便武器,〔尤指〕步枪。 small errors 小过,小错。 small rain 细雨。 He has small French and less German. 他不大懂法语,德语更不行。 It is small of you to say so. 你这样说那就小气了。 a small nature 小心眼。 small cares and worries 无谓的操心烦恼。 small punkins 〔美国〕无足轻重的;所谓要人;〔讽刺语〕小要人〔其实是不足道的小人物〕。 and small blame to him 对他没有多少可以责备的地方。 and small wonder 没有什么奇怪的。 and such small deer 其他闲杂人等,其他的人们。 be great in small matters 小事聪明。 by small and small 慢慢地,一点一点地。 feel small 觉得难为情,觉得羞耻。 in a small way 小规模地;朴素地。 in small numbers 少。 It is small wonder that (这件事)并不足怪。 live in a small way 简朴谨慎地过日子。 look small 显得渺小,自渐形秽。 of no small consequence 重大的。 on the small side 比较小。 n. 1.〔the small〕 细小部分;〔尤指〕腰部。 2.小物,琐碎东西;身分低的人。 3.〔pl.〕小商品;〔英口〕小件洗濯物;〔英牛津大学〕〔pl.〕=responsions. (the) great and (the) small 身分高高低低的人们。 a small and early 人少而早散的晚会。 in small=〔罕用语〕 in the small 小规模。 Small is beautiful. 〔谚语〕小的就是好的,越小越好。 adv. 小声地,轻轻地(讲等)。
        small is:    斯莫尔群岛
        by small and small:    慢慢地, 一点一点地
        small small world:    小小世界


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